Evergreen Ideas for Repurposing Content to Boost Audience Retention

By Emily Pribanic - Published on October 25, 2018
Evergreen Ideas for Repurposing Content to Boost Audience Retention

Our society is always plugged-in and connected which mandates that your business must constantly produce content to be consumed. This can be difficult though, since there is only so much content you have to post to capture and retain your audience. This is where repurposing content comes in handy. How, though, can you make sure that any content repurposing workflow you initiate is effective? Here are some successful content marketing repurposing ideas to get you started with your repurposing efforts.

Repurposing content is a great way to re-engage your audience.

Repurposing content can be a successful content marketing strategy to improve audience retention.

Turn Content into Videos

Videos are the most consumed type of content and they’re the most effective type of content marketing. One of the best repurposing ideas you can implement is turning your old blog posts, articles, and whitepapers into an easy to understand, compelling video. Any successful content marketing plan includes videos so why not turn your old content into an engaging video that includes a call-to-action for your audience. This will improve the connection you have with your audience and entice them to connect more with your brand.

Turn Content into an Infographic

Visual content works much better than written content so try turning your old articles, blog posts, and written content into a simple to read, appealing infographic. When looking at repurposing content for social media, visuals are much more successful. Take any articles, blog posts, and whitepapers you have with easy to follow steps and turn those into a short, simple, but engaging infographic. This will allow your audience to retain the information better and improve their engagement with your brand.

Turn Content into Podcasts

Podcasts are very popular with audiences today so a great strategy for repurposing content is to turn your old blog posts into a podcast. Podcasts are very popular because audience members can listen while they’re on the go. Turn your old blog posts into a script and you can easily give them a second life through audio. When adding podcasts to your content repurposing workflow, make sure to promote them on your social media sites to attract more audience members.

Update Old Content

One of the simplest repurposing ideas is to update old, outdated content to reflect new information. Try looking over old blog posts and updating them with new information. This will allow you to forego having to write an entirely new post, but make sure you make it clear to your audience that the post has been revised.

Use Content on Multiple Platforms

Content marketing effectiveness begins with creating content for all of your social media platforms. While every piece of content you create does not transfer to every platform well, simple tweaks and revisions will make your content perform successfully no matter which social media platform you post it to. Not all audience members are on Facebook or Instagram so make sure you post your content to as many social media platforms as possible to ensure that you reach every member of your audience.

The best way to ensure that any content you create can be added to your content repurposing workflow is to create any new content with repurposing in mind. When you create content with repurposing in mind, it will be much easier to repurpose that content when the times comes. Not every piece of content you create has to be repurposed, and not all of it can be, but repurposing content can be a great way to re-engage audience members who have begun to write off your brand.

Emily Pribanic | Emily is a graduate of the University of North Texas. She has her B.A. in Advertising with a concentration in Copywriting. Emily has been writing since she was young and has a creative imagination. She lives in Dallas, Texas with her family and two cats.

Emily Pribanic |Emily is a graduate of the University of North Texas. She has her B.A. in Advertising with a concentration in Copywriting. Emily has been writing since she was young and has a creative imagination. She lives in Dallas, Texas with her family and two cats.

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