Effective Marketing Techniques for Financial Advisors

By Emily Pribanic - Last Updated on April 17, 2018
Effective Marketing Techniques for Financial Advisors

Follow these effective marketing techniques to grow your business in no time.

Implementing the most effective marketing techniques is essential for any business owner and when done properly, you will find that you can succeed with ease.

Applying successful marketing techniques is essential for any business, even financial advisors. Without proper marketing techniques, customers will not know the benefits your business offers, nor will they even know of your business period. Developing an effective marketing strategy is the first step to take to get your business out in front of your potential customers.

Effective Marketing techniques for Financial Advisors

Set goals

The most important aspect of a marketing plan for new financial advisors is to set goals before you do anything else. Any experienced marketer knows that setting goals are important because they help keep you on track as you develop your marketing plan. When goals are the first completed aspect of your plan, all other financial advisor marketing ideas will fall into place. When you set goals early on, you will constantly have something to work towards which will make all the work you put into marketing your business pay off in the end. It is important to remember that people with goals succeed more than people who don’t because people with goals know where they’re headed.

Own your Specialization

As a financial advisor, you most likely specialize in a specific concentration within the financial sector. When you begin to create your financial advisor marketing plan, make sure you amplify this to your customers, so they know exactly what financial matter you can best help them with. When you focus on providing your customers with a specific niche, you will be able to offer a more focused level of service that you can charge more for. If you offer services that every other financial advisor offers as well, try appealing to a certain segment like, government officials, military service personnel or small business owners. Any way that you can set yourself apart from the other financial advisors in your area is very beneficial.

“Dumb it Down” for your Customers

As someone who went through many years of schooling to become a financial advisor, you know many words and a lot of business lingo your client doesn’t. It is best to use simple English when talking to your customer about their finances. You don’t want to alienate any potential customers by using words they don’t understand in your marketing materials. Using simple, easy to understand words in your marketing materials will make you much more approachable while not making any potential customers feel stupid. Instead of using a lot of technical words in your marketing materials to let customers know that you know your stuff, try adding something personal about yourself to be more engaging and down to earth in your client’s eyes. Again, fancy words will most likely only scare off more people than attract because remember, if they understood finance, they wouldn’t be coming to you for help.

Use Online Platforms

Online marketing for financial advisors is just as important as it is for any other business. It should go without saying that having and maintaining an online presence is essential in our social media-driven world. With this being the case, many people will form their first impressions of you online, so it is important that you make the first impression they have of you a great one. It is important to not post risky things that could offend potential clients on your social media pages, but it’s also important to not be too bland which could send people to your competitor before they even give you a chance. Successful financial advisor marketing begins online because, according to a recent finding, 70% of people changed their financial advisor based on the content they found on social media.

Before you can see your business grow and succeed, you must have a concise marketing plan in place. Once you create a marketing plan and begin to execute it, don’t be afraid to make changes if it coincides with the goals you set for yourself. As a financial advisor, you have a lot of knowledge about all things money, but you might know very little about marketing. This is okay because if you follow these simple, but effective, marketing techniques, you will be sure to succeed and grow your business in no time.

Emily Pribanic | Emily is a graduate of the University of North Texas. She has her B.A. in Advertising with a concentration in Copywriting. Emily has been writing since she was young and has a creative imagination. She lives in Dallas, Texas with her family and two cats.

Emily Pribanic |Emily is a graduate of the University of North Texas. She has her B.A. in Advertising with a concentration in Copywriting. Emily has been writing since she was young and has a creative imagination. She lives in Dallas, Texas with her family and two cats.

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