Spotify has wanted to consolidate its position within the music industry since its creation, and any step in that direction is welcomed by the company. The latest is the inclusion of the songwriter and producer credits in its app.
“Songwriters are an integral force behind the music we love,” said Tiffany Kumar, Spotify’s Global Head of Songwriter Relations wrote in a company post about the announcement. “With the newly launched credits feature, we aim to increase songwriter and producer visibility and, in turn, foster discovery among new collaborators, industry partners, and fans.”
This may appear as a mild step towards a better relationship between the Swedish company and a music industry that continues to revolt against the tech world, but it’s only part of a bigger scheme of decisions the company has taken. Last April, for example, Spotify acquired the blockchain-based technology company Mediachain to help its efforts to match royalties with the correct rightsholders. Other example of this industry-friendly approach is the Secret Genius initiative, a program focused in songwriters that includes an ambassador program, playlists, podcasts and an award show.
“The more we share information, the more opportunities we can help create for songwriters,” said Annika Goldman, Spotify’s Director of Music Publishing Operations to Variety magazine.
Evendo is not a novelty for music streaming services to provide this information. The Swedish company represents an opportunity to gain traction with the industry as it prepares a possible IPO, and continues to gain 10 million paid subscribers every 5-6 months.