Application of Business Intelligence in Marketing

By Emily Pribanic - Last Updated on January 6, 2020
Application of Business Intelligence in Marketing

Business intelligence tools help marketers a great deal with their marketing efforts.

When business intelligence tools are unified and used by marketers, marketing campaigns are more effective.

There are many tools in business intelligence to analyze information that provides important insights into patterns of clients that lets the company understand their desires and attitudes. With this information, companies can design better campaigns, target the right audience more precisely and better understand the initiatives that generate the best results.

Application of Business Intelligence in Marketing

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics uncover data that reveals future trends. The forecasts produced by these analytics offer the best suggestions for future actions. The information provided by predictive analytics supports the approach of the sales team and helps to increase their revenue. Predictive analytics not only determine the best message for customers by analyzing their past behavior but they also tell the company which products are better to market to which customers. When marketers understand customer behavior better, they’re able to be proactive with future customer needs. Predictive analytics also helps marketers to improve their customer engagement efforts and use more valuable messaging to reach their target audience.

Technology Integration

When customers use business intelligence tools for marketing, they create a fully integrated marketing approach. Customers use all available channels and resources to research and discuss a product or service to make their decision on whether to buy. Therefore, marketers must integrate data from all available platforms to design the best interactions. Integrating marketing technology is the best way to convey a unified message throughout a customer’s experience with your company. Unifying the message throughout a customer’s journey is important to offer a seamless customer experience. This can be achieved by integrating real-time data to personalize customer responses. When marketing technologies are integrated, companies provide their customers with consistent messages across all platforms, ensuring the brand to stick out in the customer’s mind.

Social Analytics

These tools gather information from user conversations and actions across all online platforms. Social analytics offers marketing departments insight into customer behavior and thought processes. These analytics examine statistics of page browsing and social media. Web analytics offer marketers data on which parts of their site, links and ads that lead customers to their site are more successful. This data allows marketers to make a better decision when it comes to the content and messages on their site.

Social media analytics offer marketers unique insights into the hearts and minds of their customers. This insight allows companies to learn more about their target audience and improves their ability to engage with their customers. Social media analytics offers actionable insight like campaign tracking. Campaign tracking judges the performance of a campaign and determines the factors that impact the performance of the campaign. Social analytics foster an intimate understanding of customer opinions which is important for enhancing engagement, campaign strategies, and monitoring performance.

Customer Data

When all customer data is gathered together, it can be used to make more informed marketing decisions. When companies have more accurate data, they can engage with their customers better. Therefore, unified customer data is important. When customer data isn’t unified, marketers communicate inaccurate, out-of-date messages to their customers and don’t take advantage of all the data at their disposal.

Business intelligence tools draw data from multiple areas together and organize that data into a unified format. This data provides insight into customers and where the data came from, allowing marketers to know where each customer engages from. These tools provide the most effective business intelligence for marketing and sales. The role of business intelligence in marketing allows companies to make better, more informed marketing decisions.

Emily Pribanic | Emily is a graduate of the University of North Texas. She has her B.A. in Advertising with a concentration in Copywriting. Emily has been writing since she was young and has a creative imagination. She lives in Dallas, Texas with her family and two cats.

Emily Pribanic |Emily is a graduate of the University of North Texas. She has her B.A. in Advertising with a concentration in Copywriting. Emily has been writing since she was young and has a creative imagination. She lives in Dallas, Texas with her family and two cats.

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