Though not new, neuromarketing has become more popular in recent times. With many companies using these techniques and strategies, it is critical for you to adopt them as well to stay competitive.
What is Neuromarketing and How Well Does It Work?
Neuromarketing is the study of how people respond to marketing efforts. They then use that information to redesign their marketing strategies.
As for how well it works? The Ad Council, The Shelter Pet Project and Nielsen Consumer Neuroscience worked together to formulate the “Meet a Shelter Pet” ad using neuromarketing. Nielsen reports that this ad caused website visits to increase by more than 133% and an increase in pet finder online searches by more than 28%.
What Are Some Neuromarketing Techniques?
Neuromarketing can improve your overall marketing strategy and related outcomes, giving you a sense of well-rounded satisfaction that you have reached each customer in the way that appeals to them the most. Below are seven neuromarketing strategies that you can put to work for your company:
1. Color
The color used in product designs and advertisement can affect the consumers’ decision. Different colors signify different things. For instance, reds and oranges are energizing while blue tones are calming. Utilizing color psychology is one way to put neuromarketing into action.
2. Testimonials and Reviews
Sharing customer testimonials and reviews can sway a consumer’s thought. If they see that someone else has tried and approved of a product or service, they are more likely to try it. Testimonials can build trust with a consumer.
3. Show Trust
Another way to build trust with your customers is to give trust. As the old saying goes, “You have to give to get.” Offering something such as a free trial will make the consumer feel valued and trusted making them more likely to trust you.
4. Use Smiling Photos
Emotions are compelling and can be extremely contagious. Being around an angry person will likely make you feel angry as well. Excited and happy people can change the atmosphere of an entire room. Even seeing the emotion in a picture can affect the mood of the viewer. Be selective if you are using photos and keep your viewers feeling happy by using smiling photos.
5. Simple Fonts
If you are hoping to encourage a viewer to act, using simple fonts can help. Perhaps it is the fact that the viewer can understand very quickly what it is they are to do without having to dissect complex patterns. Use simple fonts and simple directions when pushing for an action to be taken.
6. Complex Fonts
If the goal is for consumers to remember something, complex fonts seem to do the trick. This does not apply to logos or brand names but to advertisements. Complex fonts can be useful if you are trying to build brand awareness.
7. Sensory Marketing
Just as pictures can affect a consumer’s feelings and thoughts, it can have the same effect on their senses. If you can manipulate the sounds and smells surrounding a consumer, such as in a retail store, you can affect their buying decisions. Many businesses use this technique, such as bakeries and candle stores. The smell of fresh-baked bread can lead a consumer to buy a loaf while a good-smelling candle can relax a shopper and even push them to buy that fragrance.
Neuromarketing techniques are incredibly useful in marketing. For businesses to remain relevant and competitive, time should be spent on learning how to put neuromarketing to work for them.