Top 10 Technology Pet Peeves

By Marianne Chrisos - Last Updated on May 17, 2018
top biggest technology pet peeves that are trending

The most irritating tech problems.

The biggest IT annoyances around the office.

A good information technology team is the backbone of any business. Not only do they help code webpages for marketing and ecommerce, handle information security, manage databases, and upgrade software and hardware solutions, they also work with users to troubleshoot problems at their workstations.

Technology and information service departments work hard to keep many facets of businesses running, but it’s not just the tech team that faces tech challenges. Since all employees use technology in some form or another, issues with technology are experienced by everyone at one time or another. Here are some of the top technology issues and biggest pet peeves that IT teams hear – and try to solve for.

Slow WiFi: Some offices still use hard wired internet, but more and more spaces offer their employees laptops and have centralized WiFi at the office for users to connect to and work on the go in places like meetings or the lunchroom. Having a show connection or pages that won’t load properly can be very frustrating.

Processing speed: Another speed issue comes in the form of the computer and its operating system. Some users gripe about the speed of which they’re able to open files, save progress, or resume work, even on non-internet based tasks.

Printer jams: Another common pet peeve is the dreaded jammed printer – multi-user corporate printers can jam suddenly and slow down progress on a project.

Syncing technology: Technology is supposed to make our lives easier and keep us connected, but sometimes things are just out of sync. Users often experience problems with syncing between emails on their phone and desktop or when accessing software like Dropbox from different devices. These kinds of problems create communication challenges that can stall projects.

Privacy concerns: Some users complain that they still get spam and phishing emails at their work email accounts, which make them concerned for the safety of their data.

Outdated software: Some users are annoyed by having to use programs they consider outdated, such as Microsoft programs like Word or Outlook, complaining that they don’t have the same functionality or features as newer software.

Storage: Having adequate storage space to keep files and documents is important. One major technology pet peeve is when users find themselves running out of space in their inbox or server folders.

Conference room or meeting software: More remote employees in the workforce means more remote meetings using programs like Skype and GoToMeeting, paired with webcams and voice apps. Many people who haven’t had to use this software before find it cumbersome, while others find that it just doesn’t work reliably.

Updates: Waiting for software to update drives users crazy. They don’t like waiting for their software to be current or for their OS to update so they can get back to work.

Battery life: Some users complain of short battery charges on their work-supplied devices like tablets, phones, and laptops.

Knowing that there are this many ways that technology can fail us daily and hinder our ability to get work done can increase gratitude and appreciation for tech teams everywhere.

What are some of your top technology pet peeves? What are the worst pet peeves you’ve encountered in your office? Is your IT team masterful at keeping everything running smoothly and keeping annoyances to a minimum?

Marianne Chrisos | Born in Salem, Massachusetts, growing up outside of Chicago, Illinois, and currently living near Dallas, Texas, Marianne is a content writer at a company near Dallas and contributing writer around the internet. She earned her master's degree in Writing and Publishing from DePaul University in Chicago and has worked in publishing, advertising, digital marketing, and content strategy.

Marianne Chrisos | Born in Salem, Massachusetts, growing up outside of Chicago, Illinois, and currently living near Dallas, Texas, Marianne is a content writer at a c...

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