The Best List of Cybersecurity Tools Your Business Needs

By Marianne Chrisos - Last Updated on January 6, 2020
Best Cyber Security Tools List

Protect yourself with the best cyber security tools available.

Cyber security remains a top priority for IT teams and businesses all over the world. Here are some of the best cyber security tools for your business.

No matter what size your business, no one can afford to ignore the area of cybersecurity or not equip your business with the best cyber security tools available. Cybersecurity – protecting your digital assets and data safe from unauthorized access, hackers, viruses, and other threats – is a primary focus of IT departments in businesses everywhere.

Due to the growing number of security concerns that threaten the integrity of data and pose potential data privacy, confidentiality, and identity theft issues, more and more software companies are devoting resources to develop cyber security tools that protect businesses. Here’s a list of some of the best cyber security tools currently available.

Secure Inboxes

You can help to secure your company’s mailboxes with programs like MailControl that monitor user inboxes to prevent and block phishing, spymail, and dangerous information-collecting emails from ever hitting your company’s mail systems.

Secure Cloud Storage

Many cloud storage solutions offer their own built-in security features as part of the service. No outside sources should, in theory, be able to access that data. There are still privacy concerns when it comes to the cloud provider themselves, though, and worries about them having access to or knowledge of the data being stored. Some cloud storage providers, like SpiderOak, offer extra encryption so that even they don’t have access to the data stored with their software.

Secure Networks

Cryptostopper is a great program and one of the best network scanners. It detects some of the most serious threats against network security and offers businesses real-time monitoring and protection against hackers and dangerous ransomware that can infect workstations and servers. When ransomware – not always blocked by traditional anti-virus programs – is allowed onto a server, it can prevent access to all files on that network, rendering a business helpless and incapacitated.

Protect Transactions

If your business does any kind of web store business, you need to make sure you take extra precautions to secure customer data and payment information. There are plenty of SSL tools and encryption software that enables businesses to protect this sensitive information. Symantec is a well-known product company that offers several technology solutions to protect the information collected during customer-to-consumer transactions.

Free Security Resources

If you’re a small business or looking to see what risks your organization might need to prioritize in protection, you might want to start with a free vulnerability scanner. OpenVAS works to analyze Linux network security. Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer can scan Windows-run networks and hardware. These programs can help you identify gaps in your security.

Other free security tools include products that can analyze password strength like the one offered by Thycotic and free online security from some viruses and malware, offered by AVG. Free resources might not provide comprehensive security coverage, but they’re an excellent starting point, because some cyber security is better than complete vulnerability.

Cybersecurity is a serious part of the work done by IT to protect valuable business data. Finding the right resources to protect your organization’s assets is crucial. Do you feel like your business’s cyber security measures up? What resources do you recommend to other companies trying to protect their information?

Marianne Chrisos | Born in Salem, Massachusetts, growing up outside of Chicago, Illinois, and currently living near Dallas, Texas, Marianne is a content writer at a company near Dallas and contributing writer around the internet. She earned her master's degree in Writing and Publishing from DePaul University in Chicago and has worked in publishing, advertising, digital marketing, and content strategy.

Marianne Chrisos | Born in Salem, Massachusetts, growing up outside of Chicago, Illinois, and currently living near Dallas, Texas, Marianne is a content writer at a c...

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