How to Increase Employee Retention in HRM

By Emily Pribanic - Published on October 29, 2018
How to Increase Employee Retention in HRM

Employee retention is an essential aspect of organizations because high employee turnover is costly and causes your business to be inefficient. Since high employee turnover is a major problem faced by many businesses, employee retention strategies are important for human resource managers to master. If your business is looking to increase employee retention and cut down on employee turnover, here are some employee retention ideas to increase the happiness of your employees and ensure the success of your business.

Are your employee retention in HRM efforts working?

To increase employee retention and avoid turnover, try these ideas.

Employee Retention Ideas

Company Culture

Employee retention in human resource management, HRM, is an important activity for any successful business. One of the best ways to cut down on employee turnover and increase employee retention is to create a fun, engaging, and happy company culture. If your company culture doesn’t offer an environment that attracts employees who feel strongly about working at the organization, try interviewing some of your existing employees and find out what you can do to offer a better company culture. Many businesses today offer a more casual, laid-back atmosphere for employees which increases employee retention and makes your organization more successful.

Benefits and Pay

One of the best retention strategies to implement is to offer competitive pay and benefits to employees. While it may be difficult to offer this when funds are low and budgets are tight, replacing existing employees is much more costly. It can also be difficult for a small business to offer competitive benefits like larger companies can but try offering your employees benefits they can’t find elsewhere. Benefits like the ability to work from home, offering flexible vacation time, and employee performance bonuses can be great ways to make your employee retention in HRM efforts more successful.

Offer Training and Guidance

For your business to be successful, your employees need to not only come trained but you need to offer them learning and development activities to keep them performing their best. Companies that take the education of their employees seriously experience more business success so try providing your employees with memberships to e-learning sites or even hold regular meetings that allow them to increase their education about your business.

Employees also require guidance, especially when they’re tasked with new projects. Make sure you’re offering regular feedback to your employees about their performance and make it known to employees that if they ever have any questions your door is wide open to answer them. Nothing decreases employee retention more than an employee who feels like they’re not doing their job correctly or feels overwhelmed with the tasks they’re given.

Don’t Be Too Serious

Many companies find that even their best employee retention strategies are ineffective because of the boss and managers of the company taking things much too seriously. Many research studies suggest that often times when an employee quits they aren’t quitting the company but the boss instead. Make sure you cultivate an environment where your employees feel rewarded for their hard work and don’t be too hard on an employee who isn’t completely understanding their tasks. Be sure to provide plenty of training and make sure employees feel comfortable approaching you with questions, concerns, or advise.

Many organizations find employee retention to be a difficult process but it doesn’t have to be. With these simple, but effective, employee retention ideas, you can ensure that your company remains successful and that employees look forward to coming into work every day. When you connect with your employees, you’ll develop a better understanding of what they need in order for your business to continue thriving.

Emily Pribanic | Emily is a graduate of the University of North Texas. She has her B.A. in Advertising with a concentration in Copywriting. Emily has been writing since she was young and has a creative imagination. She lives in Dallas, Texas with her family and two cats.

Emily Pribanic | Emily is a graduate of the University of North Texas. She has her B.A. in Advertising with a concentration in Copywriting. Emily has been writing s...

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