PRESS RELEASE: Philadelphia, PENNSYLVANIA — Today, RoadWayve has launched an LED message board that intends to facilitate a safer environment for drivers and help combat road rage. To create a new method of communication on the road, RoadWayve launched a Kickstarter campaign in the hopes of raising $20,000 with the goal of making the roads a safer place.
RoadWayve helps drivers communicate with familiar symbols and phrases! Simply install RoadWayve’s LED message board on your car’s rear window, download the app, connect to Bluetooth and you’re ready to go. Sample messages include short phrases such as “I’m sorry,” “Thank you,” “Turn off high beams,” “Let me merge,” “Go around me,” and more. There is also a custom message option that is safely activated via voice control in the mobile app.
“We believe that communication bears an incredible value in resolving disagreements, however, there is no easy way to communicate respectfully with other drivers on the road,” said John Stanley, CEO of MOD. “We want RoadWayve to become a source of prevention, allowing drivers and passengers to feel safer and in control.”
Built around a bright, pixel-dense LED display, RoadWayve produces high-resolution messages that are visible to other drivers for up to 50 feet — and through most weather conditions. RoadWayve charging is easy with a micro-USB cable that plugs right into the car.
RoadWayve is currently available for preorder on Kickstarter for $99.00 USD, which includes one (1) RoadWayve for 50% off the retail price. For more information about the campaign, or to place an order, visit
About MOD
Founded in 2004, MOD is a Philadelphia-based, first-of-its-kind human experience agency. They’ve been on the forefront of innovation in design and marketing, continually created award-winning content for clients like Comcast/NBC Universal, Aetna, Arcudi Wines, The Quell Foundation, and others. In 2018, MOD launched a new branch of the company dedicated solely to the ideation and development of their own entrepreneurial endeavors. This new venture is deeply rooted in their devotion not only to great design but to great experiences.
Their first product, RoadWayve, is a revolutionary driver-to-driver communication device. With an LED message board, RoadWayve lets drivers communicate safely and more effectively, creating safer driving conditions, and making road rage a thing of the past.
For more information, visit